Badger a favorite Cat House resident was rescued from somewhere in Louisiana following hurricane Katrina. He has a habit of slapping anyone who reaches out to stroke him, or anyone in the vicinity for that matter! Once you get past this little quirk he loves to be held but will slap you when you put him down. His best friend is Ginger and they hang out together.
Hello- I cannot get into the Yahoo message board to post but I'll just post here and hope that any sad, misguided people who believe what some fools have written might find their way here. A couple of months ago two of us brought a sweet, loving but FIV + cat to you (Mr. Cheeks). We were tremendously impressed with you and the whole place. It was VERY clean, considering how many kitties live there. And we both felt that the separation of cats with underlying illness from disabled cats was excellent. We saw NOT ONE cat who looked like he or she was being "ignored" or uncared for. I assure anyone reading this that if we had we would have packed up Mr. Cheeks and taken him back. The person who showed us around knew all the cats and stopped to interact with them. There are places for them to be outside (completely screened in) and even one outdoor "cabin" that is heated in winter. I'm not sure who has such a vendetta for you, but I hope they crawl bak into whatever hole they emerged from!