Susquehanna River, New Years Day 2000 and something. Looks cold doesn't it! Trust me, it was!
Some wear silly clothes.
Some wear very little.
Clothes or not the end result is wet, very wet and cold.
Well there you have it, some people support charities by doing something about it, some people give. You can do something too. What you do is entirely up to you but if you're in the Harrisburg area on New Years Day do stop by City Island to watch them get wet. Have I ever done it myself? Hell no! I'm not crazy.
There is no person I know with a bigger heart than Lynn Stitt. She is devoted to the kitties with the greatest needs, but also gives of herself and her time to BunnyPeople, a rescue group for pet rabbits. She lives on the premises at the shelter, and devotes any and all of her spare time and money to improving the quality of life for the critters under her care. We should have more like her in the world! Whether or not you plan to attend the annual Penguin Plunge (I may go just to watch my daughter turn into an ice cube...) Please consider a contribution to this worthy cause for some of these dear little souls that much of the larger world has forgotten... Thank God for Lynn Stitt and the others like her!